The reason that chooses the wine that encloses with red wine cork, because natural cork can seal wine not only, still can promote the quality of wine and characteristic.Compared with corks, industrial corks have performed poorly in various aspects, including consumption of non-renewable energy, emissions of greenhouse gases, acidification of the atmosphere, formation of atmospheric photochemical oxidants and solid wastes in the whole production. Natural softness does not help prevent global warming.
Benefits of natural cork:
It’s 100 percent natural
Natural cork can be recycled, is 100% natural, and has a sustainable product.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
According to a 2008 analysis by pricewaterhousecoopers, corks made from other materials emit 24 times more carbon dioxide than cork.
Coexist with nature
Cork producers do not cut down trees to produce cork.In fact, cork oak can be harvested and stripped after 25 years of growth, and then every nine years.
There is no waste
Almost all bark is used to produce cork.Cork residues are ground into granules in the production process, and then returned to production to produce more cork products.Even fine particles of cork powder are collected and used as fuel to heat factory boilers.
Unparalleled environmental protection
Overall, the study found that corks performed best when comparing the environmental impact of all types of packaging materials over their entire life cycle, from production to disposal.